Custom Router In Magento 2
Magento, Magento 2

Custom Router in Magento 2

In our development lifecycle, we face the situation where we need to create a custom URL for our module or we need to modify the route to match the requirement, in this situation we need to create a custom router in Magento 2

Content Security Policy
Magento, Magento 2

CSP In Magento 2

CSP is a standard introduced to prevent attacks on your website. Attacks mean an XSS, clickjacking, or malicious code injection. CSP is widely supported by all the modern web browsers and it gives privilege to website owners to approve origins of content that browsers should be allowed to load on that website.


Varnish Cache and Magento 2 Part 2

Today, I would like to shed some light on the Varnish cache and its implementation in Magento. I will show you the steps to install varnish software and configure it with the Magento installation.