The varnish is a “web accelerator” that acts as an HTTP reverse proxy. Basically, a reverse proxy is a type of proxy server which serves the request on the behalf of the actual server
Category: Magento
Code Quality Check in Magento 2
As an extension developer we all know the importance of coding standards and removing unwanted code from our extension, in short, maintaining the code quality. We can get help from GrumPHP to validate our code and pass all quality checks.
Virtual Types in Magento 2
Virtual types are a way to inject different dependencies into existing PHP classes without affecting other classes and without having to create a new class file.
Caching Explain in Magento 2
We all know the importance of caching in web development and how it affects the customer journey on your website. Caching helps to improve the server response and helps you to improve conversion rates
Custom Cache Type
In cache.xml file we need to pass two parameters i.e. “label” and the “description” this parameters use to display label and the cache description on cache management page i.e. System > Tools > Cache Management